Python Anagrams Challenge

Checking whether two strings are anagrams of each other is a fairly common coding challenge or kata. At a local meetup recently, we looked at an extended version of the challenge: not...

Morse Code with Python

In this article we will learn how to use Python programming to convert messages from English to Morse Code and vice versa. We will also learn how to play the Morse Code...

Python Programming – List Mutation

A Surprising Feature of Python Lists What do you expect the output of the following Python code to be? def mutate_or_not(a_list): a_list[0] = "I've changed" my_list = [1, 2, 3] mutate_or_not(my_list) print(my_list)...

Python Dictionaries

Some Python developers would say that there are two fundamental data structures which form the basis of the language: lists and dictionaries. Whether or not that is true, they are both certainly...