Analysis of Algorithms with Python

The efficiency of algorithms is important. Imagine a program that took centuries to calculate the solution to a problem (like Deep Thought from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy), or needed more...

The Collatz Conjecture with Python

The Collatz Conjecture is an unsolved problem in Mathematics which lends itself nicely to exploration with Python. The idea is simple: Pick a positive whole number. If it’s odd, multiply it by...

Morse Code with Python

In this article we will learn how to use Python programming to convert messages from English to Morse Code and vice versa. We will also learn how to play the Morse Code...

Plotting Polynomials with Python

I’ve been enjoying reading A Programmer’s Introduction to Mathematics by Jeremy Kun recently. After the introduction, the first main topic it covers is a neat trick for sharing secrets (encrypting messages) so...