ASCII to Binary Conversion in Python

ASCII, which stands for the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, became a communication standard in 1967 and has since played a foundational role in character encoding for computers and electronic devices....

Alternatives to “do while” loops in Python

In Python, the “do while” loop, commonly found in other programming languages, is not explicitly available. However, Python provides alternative constructs that achieve similar functionality. In this article, we’ll focus on the...

Python For DevOps: Guide & Tools

Programming is becoming an essential skill set for DevOps engineers. It doesn’t mean that DevOps engineers have to create fully-featured apps like other developers. But, it’s a little different for DevOps professionals....

Copying Lists in Python

When working with lists in Python, it’s essential to understand how copying lists works, as it can impact your program’s behavior. In this article, we’ll explore the concepts of mutability, shallow copy,...

Working with Dates in Python

Dates are an essential aspect of programming, and Python provides a powerful library, datetime, to manipulate dates and times. In this post, we will explore various aspects of working with dates in...

Exploring Shapes with Python: Sphere

A sphere is a fundamental geometric shape that often finds applications in mathematics, physics, computer graphics, and engineering. It’s defined as the set of all points in three-dimensional space equidistant from a...