Python Simple Dice Game

Here’s a simple program in Python that demonstrates some important fundamental concepts in computer programming. The program simulates two players taking it in turns to roll a 6-sided dice, and keeps track...

The Modulo Operator in Python

The modulo operator is used in Python programming when you need to find the remainder of integer division. It comes up in many important algorithms, and is represented by the symbol %....

Python Dictionaries

Some Python developers would say that there are two fundamental data structures which form the basis of the language: lists and dictionaries. Whether or not that is true, they are both certainly...

A Bit of Fun with Python

Every now and then I look at a syllabus or textbook for GCSE Computer Science and it strikes me how much more interesting the content could be. Fun with Python for Computer...

Python Nested FOR Loops

Why do I Need Nested Loops in Python? Nested loops are a very important concept in Python programming and Computer Science, are used in many algorithms. For example sorting algorithms such as...