Tangram Puzzle

Puzzles are an excellent way to develop your problem solving skills and have fun at the same time. The Tangram Puzzle is a classic puzzle from China which involves rearranging 7 pieces...

Python Anagrams Challenge

Checking whether two strings are anagrams of each other is a fairly common coding challenge or kata. At a local meetup recently, we looked at an extended version of the challenge: not...

Python Video Courses

Video courses are an excellent way to develop your Python programming skills. They provide an immersive experience that allows you to make use of multiple learning modalities at the same time. They...

Power Sets with Python

A power set is the set of all possible subsets of a set. For example, if we have a set containing [A, B, C] the possible subsets are: [[], ['A'], ['B'], ['A',...

Installing Python Packages

One of the things which makes Python awesome is the quality and quantity of open source packages available to extend its power. This means the with the right package and just a...

Prime Numbers in Python

In this article we are going to look a some different ways to check whether a number is prime using Python. As well as being an interesting and useful exercise, this exploration...

Basic Animation with Python

In this article we are going to learn how to do basic animation and collision detection with Python Turtle Graphics. The best thing to do here is to copy the code provided...